There are 3 parts to attaining Advanced Proficiency recognition from the Academy of Laser Dentistry. Advanced Proficiency is taken over a 2-3 year period to successful completion. IF YOU WISH TO APPLY FOR ADVANCED PROFICIENCY Review and Online Exam, please click on this link: Advanced Proficiency Review and Exam.
Review and Online Multiple Choice Exam
Clinical Simulation Exam
Clinical Case Study Presentations
This level represents advanced knowledge and clinical experience with the dental laser. Learners for advanced level recognition will demonstrate knowledge of all laser wavelengths via an online written examination, demonstrate advanced clinical proficiency using the dental laser of their choosing in the Clinical Simulation Exam, plus dental practitioners who use the laser for treatment must also prepare five (5) clinical case studies and be prepared to present a minimum of two of them at an ALD annual conference. These should be the cases with the highest degree of difficulty following the Clinical Case Study Guidelines that are provided to candidates upon application. Successful participation in all 3 parts of Advanced Proficiency is required to meet this level of education. Separate application fees and requirements apply for each part. Advanced Proficiency exceeds the standard of care for the dental professional. A Laser Safety Officer does not participate in the Clinical Case Presentation section.
Application Requirements for Advanced Proficiency
- Applicant must be a licensed dentist, hygienist, dental assistant, office manager or industry representative, etc. wishing to attain Advanced Proficiency recognition.
- Applicants must have achieved Standard level recognition approved by the Academy of Laser Dentistry.
- Applicant must be a member of the Academy of Laser Dentistry; Candidates must maintain ALD membership during the AP process and of course we hope well beyond!
- Candidates must attend a minimum of 2 ALD Annual Conferences during the Advanced Proficiency process before the award can be earned.
- Successful participation in all 3 parts of Advanced Proficiency is required to meet this level of education. Passing mark of 85% is required on each part. Separate applications for each part are required.
Advanced Proficiency Criteria (update November 15, 2011)
- The Written Online Examination passing mark is 85%. The Written Online Examination is administered via computer. Questions are set on any aspect of the Curriculum Guidelines. The Advanced candidate is expected to have a level of knowledge above that required for the Standard level examination.
- Applicants may apply for the Review and Online Exam and the Clinical Simulation Exam at the same time. These parts may be taken in any sequence. The written online exam may be taken at any time after application or within 30 days of successfully completing the Review Course and/or Clinical Simulation Examination at the annual meeting. You may elect to take the online exam in a proctored setting at the ALD annual meeting.
- The Clinical Simulation Examination passing mark is 85%. Please reference the Clinical Simulation Guideline documents, Exam Grade Sheets and DVD provided upon application. Candidates should be able to address all the points on the Clinical Simulation Exam grade sheet within a 30 minute time frame. This part is timed to 30 minutes. Candidates are notified of their time slot approximately 1 week prior to the exam date.
Clinical Case Presentation of Advanced Proficiency Criteria
- Part 3 Clinical Case Examination passing mark is 85%. Clinical Case Submission Guidelines, Checklists and Exam Grade sheets are provided upon application.
- Passing the Online Written Examination AND the Clinical Simulation Exam is a pre-requisite for presenting the Clinical Case Examination.
- Applicants may begin documenting clinical cases and obtaining the required photographs as soon as you apply for the Advanced Proficiency Program. Close contact with your assigned mentor is strongly suggested as you prepare your clinical cases. Strict adherence to the level of difficulty of selected cases is typical.
- You may take Part 3 any time it is offered after 1-year of successfully completing both the online exam and the clinical simulation exam. (This means there is a minimum of 2 year preparation period before you may present your Clinical Cases if you begin your case selections when you apply for AP. Most candidates take 3 years to complete this level of proficiency status).
- Part 3 Clinical Case Presentations must be completed within a 3 year time limit has elapsed after completing the online exam and the Clinical Simulation exam.